
Here are some projects I worked on.

Deploying a Mobile App on Tensorflow: Lessons Learned

Created a course with Manning Publication to teach people how to productionalize and serve a Tensroflow model.

Course Url, Blog, Repo

Technologies: TensorFlow.js , React Native


Food Classifier (Mobile)

Created a Mobile App that can correctly classify food among 101 categories.

Android , IOS ,Demo ,Code

Technologies: React Native, Expo , Deep Learning (Pytorch, FastAi)


Topic Modeling

Identified latent themes in the Super User Forum using topic Modeling

Slides, Blog Post, Code, Deployed Instance


MTA Analysis

Exploratory Analysis of New York MTA subway

[Slides] (


Math Search Engine:

Search Engine that find similar documents to a query containing math expressions (latex) and text. Was one of the top 3 systems in the NTCIR-11 task.

Slides, Conference Poster, Code