Coming from languages like Java/C#, I found something missing in python.
I miss defining types for variables and methods.
Variables: Python vs Java
# Python Variables
name = "Tom"
cost = 5
// Java Variables
String name = "Tom"
int cost = 5
Methods: Python vs Java
# Python method
def add(a,b):
return a + b
// Java method
public String add (String a, String b) {
return a + b
What does the python version of the add function take? What does it return?
The add operator works for string, integers, list. Is that intended?
Some of the benefits of a language that supports types are:
- documentation of inputs and outputs
- capture error in wrong usage
- better code completion with IDE
Luckily for us, with PEP484 python 3.6 supports types.
Variables: Typed
With built in primitive types, all that is needed
# Python Variables
name: str = "Tom"
cost: int = 5
For more complex types,
from typing import List, Set, Dict, Tuple, Optional
elements: List[int] = [1,2]
unique_elems: Set[int] = {6, 7}
scores: Dict[str, float] = {'user1': 2.0, 'user_2':5.2}
info: Tuple[int, str] = (2, "tom")
Methods: Typed
from typing import Union, List
def add_nums(a:int,b:int) -> int:
return a + b
def add (a:Union[List,str,int],b:Union[List,str,int] ) -> [List,str,int] :
return a +b
Example of defining own types
from typing import Tuple
LatLngType = Tuple[float, float]
point: LatLngType = (50.12, 70.21)
Type Checking
Python doesn’t have anything built in the language that enforces types.
However there is mypy, a project from Dropbox.
pip install mypy
Consider this sample code. Do you see the error(s)?
Fig: python code with errors

Fig: Mypy output
Looking at the output, we see that we are wrongly:
- forgot a return statement
- accessing an attribute that doesn’t exist
At my work, we have started including types and mypy as part of our work. It has made our code base more maintainable.